Your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch will reportedly get another iOS update in coming weeks. Apple is allegedly testing iOS 6.0.1 with its partnered carriers in the US (Sprint, AT&T, Verizon). As expected on minor iOS updates, the release of iOS 6.0.1 will fix many bugs found in iOS 6 but won’t include any new feature. The news of this rumored update comes from, where it’s claim that iOS 6.0.1 will fix the keyboard screen glitch, camera’s flash related problems, and cellular data occasionally not working. It is also mentioned that the update will fix a bug that allows Passbook information to be accessed from the lockscreen, and “fix the bug that caused Exchange meetings to be unexpectedly cancelled for the entire calendar invite group.” WiFi support will be improved in iOS 6.0.1 as well according to the report.
Now, BGR also reports about major update iOS 6.1 – which is supposedly the update that comes with new features and major improvements. They claim that Apple will release this update after Christmas holidays.