

    Why CCleaner is no longer worth using due to Windows new Storage sense

    If you've been around computers for a while, one thing you would have known by now is that CCleaner is one of the most...

    Can iPhones get viruses? Don’t worry about it, cybersecurity giant explains

    Since the iPhone is one of the most expensive smartphone on the market, it is essential for its users to take care of it....

    New Android virus buys apps without users’ awareness

    A new malware has been found in Android affecting China Mobile’s Mobile Market. The malware named MMarketPay.A, discovered by mobile security and piracy company TrustGo, buys...

    Cydia Apps Are Safer Than App Store Apps, Study Says

    Since Cydia is a unauthorized app store for jailbrokeniOS devices, many people believe that Cydia puts your device in risk of data being taken...