According to TechCrunch, Apple has change the date to release their rumored iOS 5 for iOS devices such as the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Apple typically releases major iOS during June along with a new iPhone hardware, like it have been happening since 2007: June 2008, iOS 2; June 2009, iOS3, June 2010 iOS 4.
TechCrunch says that Apple will likely to release iOS 5 this Fall. They also say that it will get previewed at Apple’s annual World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC) in early June, but it won’t be released.
They also reports that iOS 5 will be release with a new iPad. The only thing I could see this happening is if Apple doesn’t release iPhone 5 this year, then they would release iOS 5 with the new iPad.
It also said that Apple will likely introduce a “music locker” service and it will launch during Apple’s annual music-themed event.