A new report suggests that Samsung’s Galaxy S8 is not selling as well as its predecessor, the Galaxy S7. The report, made public by brokerage analysts, claims that Samsung only sold 9.8 units during the first two months of the release of the Galaxy S8. Compared to the Galaxy S7, it sold 20 percent less than the S7’s 12 million unit sales last year.
Shortly after its release, Samsung announced that they shipped 10 millions Galaxy S8 devices in just three weeks after being released. Due to low sales, Samsung has failed to announced how much of those 10 millions units were actually sold to customers, the report says. This has caused Samsung to reduced supply orders for some parts.
It is said that low sales are not due to the device being a low quality smartphone, but due to market saturation. Chinese rivals also have made an impact in the sales numbers of the Galaxy S8.